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July 7, 2011

Job Vacancy at University of Ibadan: Registrar


The Governing Council of the University of lbadan hereby announces that the position of Registrar will be vacant by 31 December, 2011.  In accordance with the provisions of the University's (Miscellaneous. Provisions) Decree Noll of 1993 (as amended by Decree No 25,.
1996) and by the University (Miscellaneous) (Amendment) Act 2003 and in exercise of its powers as contained therein the Governing Council wishes to commence the process of filling the impending vacancy.

Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post. Interested applicants are requested to note the following information about the university
The University of lbadan (Ul), established in 1948, first as a constituent college of the University of London , became a full fledged University in 1962 and has continued to blaze the trail as the foremost Nigerian University and the crucible of human capacity development in Nigeria and indeed sub-Saharan Africa. On the account of its size, the numbers of faculties and institutes, the huge number of courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and competent reach to the larger society through the output and community services, UI remains the flagship of higher education in Nigeria. In the globalized and highly competitive knowledge economy, Ibadan has continued to rise and blossom amongst its peers in the world. The history of higher education in Nigeria will not be complete without prominent mention of the University of Ibadan in areas of medicine (where its Faculty have pioneered research in sickle cell, neurosciences, community and public health medicine, maternal and child health) in humanities and liberal arts where it has produced a Nobel Laureate in Literature and world giants in history and literature. Not in the least are the exploits of staff and students in the natural, applied and social sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, law, education, technology, agriculture and veterinary medicine etc. Many staff and alumni/alumnae are recipients of the Nigerian National Order of Merit, and fellowship of the various National Academies. Indeed, if it is from Ibadan, it must be of outstanding quality.
With a full-time undergraduate population of 12,507 students and 13,803 students under the distance learning mode, UI provides access to education for a large segment of Nigerian youths desirous of obtaining quality certificates from the 'first and the best'. Moreover, the Postgraduate School with 7,280 students enrolled for higher degrees of Master and PhD is easily the largest of its type in Sub Saharan Africa, and remains the pride of the nation.
UI has responded and will continue to respond to national and international challenges and there can be no better proof of this than the success story- of the 171,564 alumni/alumnae that occupy important and pre-eminent positions nationally and internationally.
 Job Title: Registrar

Interested candidates are invited to note and comply with the following conditions:
a) Fifty copies of each application letter should be accompanied by 50 copies of Curriculum Vitae signed and dated by the candidate. The Curriculum Vitae must contain, among others, the candidates full name (surname first), Date of Birth (not age), gender, marital status, current address including e-mail and telephone numbers, nationality/state/local government, full qualifications/schools attended and working experiences and names and addresses of three referees.
b) A vision and mission statement for the registry of no more than 1000 words.
c) Each candidate must request each referee to forward a confidential
report directly to the Vice-Chancellor.

All applications are to be forwarded under confidential cover in a sealed envelope marked at the upper left hand cover . APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF REGISTRAR" University of Ibadan addressed to the Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, to reach him not later than 8th August 2011.

Only applications of short-listed candidates will be acknowledged.

Professor IF Adewole,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan

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